Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Superhero- Sapphire

Three types of Life-Altering experiences that superheroes undergo is Trauma, Destiny, and sheer chance.

  At the age of 15, Ariel Vega discovered her destiny was to help protect people around her when she discovered her mom, dad, and 3 year old sister was murdered in a shooting at their home when she was at school.
   At first she wanted to kill everyone, but then thought that she doesn't want any 15 year old to go trough the same thing. Little did she know her parents were part of this secret agency, and since she was little she had a secret too, she wasn't like any other teenage girl, she has superpowers. 
  Using her skills of Telepathy (reading and communication of the mind), Telekinesis (Ability to manipulate and control objects with the mind, often in ways not visible to the naked eye), Superhuman strength (Ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions) , and Superhuman Speed (The ability to move, run, fly, react, think, and sense at speeds much faster than a normal human) could help change the world and make it safe for everyone she thought. So, she was going to give it a shot, living on her own she didn't have anyone or anything to worry about other than keeping people safe. 
  Every night she would write in a journal different names for a superhero name for a month till she came across the name Sapphire, because her favorite color is a Sapphire Blue, and The ring her mother gave her before she was killed had a Sapphire in it. 
  Nobody knew about her powers and her starting to be a superhero, this was her secret and the start of a new life. No matter what happened she had to remember the most important part, people out there need help. 

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