Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Chiquita Banana AD (final project)

For my final project I made a Chiquita Banana AD. All I did was I took a plain banana and took hair and face pieces off of regular people and placed it on the banana and blended it using the eraser tool. After I added a Chiquita Banana sticker onto it. Later I added strawberries that looked like they were exploding to show and give the idea that bananas are better and better for you so it can get people to buy them. In all honesty this project was a little difficult, but once i figured out what tools to use it became easy.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lesson One Questions

  1. From what locations can you open a document that was previously open?
  2. What panel allows you to view information about a selected object, or set options for an active tool?
  3. What method does Flash use to automatically create animation from a starting and ending point?

  1. You can open a document that was recently opened in "Open a Recent Item" on the first page when you enter Flash.

  2. Flash uses the method of tweening which is creating starting and ending frames.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Superhero- Sapphire

Three types of Life-Altering experiences that superheroes undergo is Trauma, Destiny, and sheer chance.

  At the age of 15, Ariel Vega discovered her destiny was to help protect people around her when she discovered her mom, dad, and 3 year old sister was murdered in a shooting at their home when she was at school.
   At first she wanted to kill everyone, but then thought that she doesn't want any 15 year old to go trough the same thing. Little did she know her parents were part of this secret agency, and since she was little she had a secret too, she wasn't like any other teenage girl, she has superpowers. 
  Using her skills of Telepathy (reading and communication of the mind), Telekinesis (Ability to manipulate and control objects with the mind, often in ways not visible to the naked eye), Superhuman strength (Ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions) , and Superhuman Speed (The ability to move, run, fly, react, think, and sense at speeds much faster than a normal human) could help change the world and make it safe for everyone she thought. So, she was going to give it a shot, living on her own she didn't have anyone or anything to worry about other than keeping people safe. 
  Every night she would write in a journal different names for a superhero name for a month till she came across the name Sapphire, because her favorite color is a Sapphire Blue, and The ring her mother gave her before she was killed had a Sapphire in it. 
  Nobody knew about her powers and her starting to be a superhero, this was her secret and the start of a new life. No matter what happened she had to remember the most important part, people out there need help. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

My initials in the shape of a fish!

I meant to post this as my first project, but noticed that I didn't. So here is my initials in the shape of a fish!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

AD replication

My Replication of the ad
Original AD

This is my replication of the Car and texting while driving ad. It was difficult to get the same colors but i managed to do it! For the text I should Change the font so you could tell the difference. I didn't want to be too exact, if you know what I mean. But, I did it!

Monday, March 17, 2014

This is my Google doodle. If i was to create anything that would make the world a better place it would be world peace because with the stuff that is going on today, that's all we need.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Magic Hat

Stay Strong, Never Give Up, Just Have Faith That Things Will Be Okay.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Make the world a better place

If I could invent one thing to make the world a better place, I would create something to stop bullying and make peace. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

All I did was put "Love me or Hate me" in 3D form, it was harder than I thought.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Strange Orange

This is my Strange Orange. As you can see, it's in the shape of a heart because I love oranges, it's definitely my favorite fruit.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Strange Fruit

This is my strange banana and my strange orange. As you can see they are deformed. The Banana is in the shape of a rectangle and and the orange is in the shape of a pyramid. They maybe be very weird and strange, but that's why it's called "Strange Fruit".

Friday, February 7, 2014

Sometimes two people need to fall apart.. to realize how much they need to fall back together.

I did this to go along with Valentines Day which is in a week. This is my favorite quote and I thought "hey! why not create a picture about it". "Sometimes two people need to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together" means sometimes a break is good, sometimes if something doesn't go right don't give up because maybe, just maybe everything will go back to the way it is and this time stronger and back together again.

Friday, January 31, 2014


This is my fat genie rat named, Iris. He is a boy, but has a girl name. He is a genie that likes the color purple so that's why his hat and tail are purple. He's not fully rat, he's also mixed with an elf who was the mother. Iris is a cool genie rat ,but needs to get liposuction on its belly because he ate too much cheese. His favorite thing to do is hang out in the clouds.

But the most difficulty I had with the pen tool was shaping it. Every time I wanted the pen tool to do something for me it did the complete opposite.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Puerto Rico Travel Ad Poster

My Travel Ad Poster is of Puerto Rico. As you can see the Motto is "Joannes Est Nomen Eius" meaning "John is his name". The Territory's flower is a Flor De Maga similar to a hibiscus. The bird is called a Spindalis similar to a woodpecker.The territory's animal is a frog called a Coqui. Puerto Rico's major game is Dominos and they are known for their Beaches. Lastly the Capital of Puerto Rico is San Juan.